Smells like teen spirit…I mean, Dog Sees God

Welcome to Palindrome Land! Population, tire.


  • He won snow, eh?
  • Racecar
  • No lemons, no melon.
  • Was it a bar or a bat I saw?
  • Egad! No bondage?

And my favorite:

  • Ah, Satan sees Natasha.

Hey look my name is in a palindrome! Hey look it’s pretty creepy! Hey look now Annabelle is going to attack me!

Disregard the creepiness of my own name in a palindrome, and focus on the show DOG SEES GOD.

This show has teenage angst written all over it…and sex, death, love, gossip, confusion and anger. DSG encompasses every emotion a young person can experience in finding himself. In an intricate journey of exploration, provoked by the death of a beloved pooch (RIP), the characters question and challenge their relationships with one another, and ultimately embody what it means to be human.

Dog Sees God provoked a lot of emotions and memories within my own self. First of all, my high school experience was in NO way like this show. I enjoyed my nap time and study time. These teenagers party, set people on fire, challenge social norms, and have threesomes. Yeah. Not my high school experience.

Look how cool I was.

One aspect that really struck me was the dog’s death (this is not a spoiler alert, because the first scene opens with the funeral. Don’t be hatin’). This is an event that not only affects the main character of CB, but it forces the other characters to come to terms with their own limited existence. CB’s dog’s surprising passing somehow makes the teenagers lives more real. It propels all of their actions, and makes them face the fact that “we handle grief in different ways”. All of these characters experience a different aspect and meaning of grief. I’ll leave it up to you to discover what it means to each one.

Dog owners can certainly relate to CB’s grief. I know I can…it completely depressed me. Thinking about what would happen if my puppy-wup somehow wasn’t here anymore. ..CB’s friends just don’t understand what it is like to have a life-long companion taken from you! Here’s a picture of my pup. Think of her as CB’s dog, and then you too will cry.

Aw she’s got little angel wings on….this is making everything worse.

And now the explanation of the title, given by the character of Beethoven:

A dog sees god in his master

(I’m trying to hold back the tears right now)


Let’s get to some details of the production:


Cabaret’s first Main Stage Production of the year:


(information graciously stolen taken from the Facebook event)

Simultaneously hysterical and haunting, DOG SEES GOD by Bert V. Royal tells the twisted tale of a group of reckless teenagers who come face-to-face with some of life’s darkest and most daunting challenges. With a brilliant combination of humor, cruelty, and endearing honesty, the characters are forced to confront their demons head-on in this story of truth and transformation.


This production will run for TWO weekends:

- Friday, October 17th at 8pm

- Saturday, October 18th at 8pm

- Sunday, October 19th at 7pm

- Friday, October 24th at 8pm

- Saturday, October 25th at 8pm

- Sunday, October 26th at 7pm


Where? You should know by now…

Cabaret Theatre, located at the corner of Suydam Street and Nichol Avenue on the Douglass Campus.



$7 — students/faculty/staff

$12– general admission

*Please reserve tickets by emailing

You know you want to.

Who’s who in the Cast:

Andy Martinez

Dan English

Julia Barnett

Sam Vargas

Shachar May

Alex Albanese

Tyler Conroy

Kelly McCarthy


And the Production Staff:

- Director: Alyssa Krompier

- Assistant Director: Kat Beliavski

- Stage Manager: Eddie Norgard

- Assistant Stage Manager: Ja’mie King

Preach it boys!

****This production of DOG SEES GOD contains Trigger Language and adult content. We recommend this show for mature audiences only.****


Moments I love in the production:

  • Alex’s rendition of one of Chopin’s etudes (beautiful and haunting, I love you Alex)
  • The party scene
  • Andy Martinez. Always Andy Martinez.
  • Julia’s platypus/butterfly interpretive dance.
  • Sam’s hot bod.
  • All of the Romance scenes wink wink

Sassy Sam Yum Yum

Alright, I’m going to stop myself there before I give up any key moments in the production. You’ll have to see it for yourself! Dog Sees God is the essence of a Cabaret Theatre production, and it works perfectly in the black box theatre environment.

That’s all for now, folks. I’ll leave you with another picture of Izzy. Look at her cuteness!

We’re in love.

N-Shady, out.