Hello everyone!
Are you interested in proposing to direct a main stage production for the 2015-2016 season? Or do you have a great idea for a revue, and have always wanted to direct one? Proposal packets for the 2015-2016 season (pdf), as well as the Back-to-School Revue (pdf) are now available!
If you have any questions about the proposal packet for our 2015-2016 season (which will also be Cabaret Theatre's 40th season!), please email our Producer, Kayla Votapek, at producer.cabarettheatre@gmail.com or our Artistic Director, Eddie Norgard, at artistic.cabarettheatr@gmail.com.
For our Back-to-School Revue, we are teaming up with our friends at the Livingston Theatre Company to create a combined production that showcases the amazing actors and actresses of both companies! Please email Kayla, or LTC's Managing Director, Julia Mendes, at info@ltc.org for more information.
Proposals for our 2015-2016 season and the Back-to-School Revue are due June 1st.
We can't wait to read your proposals!