Cabaret Theatre Constitution
Article I. Name of Organization shall be “Cabaret Theatre”
Article II. Definition and Mission Statement
Section 1: CABARET THEATRE’S MISSION: Cabaret is a student-run organization located on the Douglass campus of Rutgers University. Since 1975, Cabaret Theatre has been committed to providing the University and its surrounding community with a wide variety of theatrical experiences, as well as offering a forum for students to learn about acting, directing, writing, business-management, design, and construction through various workshops and hands on experience.
Article III. Rules and Regulation
Section 1: This organization shall abide by all applicable laws of the State of New Jersey and the United States.
Section 2: This organization shall abide by all applicable rules and regulations of the University and under the privileges as granted by the Division of Student Affairs and by the rules and regulations of the Board of Governors.
Section 3: Membership shall be open to full time and part-time Rutgers University Students. Graduate student participation will be determined on a case by case basis through the Executive Board, General Board, and Organization Advisor. All active members must comply with federal laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, marital status, civil union status, domestic partnership status, military service, and veteran status, and any other category protected.
Article IV. Officers of the Executive Board
Section 1 : Rules and Regulation
Clause A: The executive board oversees the day-to-day management of the theatre company. The five executive board positions in gavel order are: Producer, Artistic Director, Production Manager, Director of Finance, and Marketing Director.
Clause B: In order to fulfill these duties, the members of the executive board should exercise reasonable restraint in joining artistic staff or performing in the season’s productions to ensure opportunities outside the board.
Clause C: The executive board should meet at least every other week or send updates.
Clause D: In case of an executive board resignation or vacancy, there must be an immediate election to fill the position. The position must be filled within two weeks. The timeline for a re-election is as follows: within 4 days of the board member leaving, nominations must open and remain open for 7 days. Once nominations close, an election must be held within the next two days.
Section 2: The Producer (President) oversees all the affairs of the company. This includes serving as a liaison between members, general and executive boards, and the administrative and faculty advisors. Additionally, the producer is responsible for presiding over all meetings, communicating between departments of the general and executive boards, acting as the figurehead of Cabaret and representing it outside of the theatre, maintaining a roster of current membership, disseminating information to the general membership through monthly newsletters, working out logistics with outside organizations, and handling tasks not allocated in these bylaws. The Producer is responsible for the organization and its actions, and is its representative. The Producer specifically oversees the entire executive board, the general board, and any new positions created henceforth.
Section 3: The Artistic Director ( Vice President) is responsible for preserving the artistic integrity of the theatre company. The duties of the Artistic Director are to maintain an active presence and voice at all performances, rehearsals, auditions, and tech days. The Artistic Director specifically oversees all of the directors chosen for the season, Special Event Coordinator, the Directors’ Showcase Coordinator, the Original Play Festival Coordinator, staffs for productions, and casts of all productions.
Section 4: The Production Manager supervises the entire Cabaret space. He or she is responsible for supervising tech days and builds, maintaining the wardrobe areas, and coordinating any cleaning days and renovations. The Managing Director oversees the Technical Director(s),Technical Special Event Coordinator, Master Electrician, Costume and Property Master, and House Manager.
Section 5: The Director of Finance ( Treasurer) maintains and updates the season budget. This includes ensuring all productions stay within budget; handling receipts and box office returns; filling out paperwork with SABO; and depositing money in a timely matter. He or she is responsible, with the Producer’s approval, of all financial transactions with or for the organization and its financial assets. The Director of Finance oversees the Box Office Manager and the Box Office Assistants. They also buy any necessary provisions to sell during productions.
Section 6: The Marketing Director oversees all promotion of productions and events. This is accomplished by posting fliers and maintaining online social networking profiles, monthly newsletters, brochures, and other media. The Marketing Director supervises the Social Media Chair, Press Secretary,Videographer/Photographer, Graphic Designer, and Marquee Specialist.
Article V. General Board Representative
Section 1: Rules and Regulation
Clause A: The General Board is the larger administrative structure within Cabaret Theatre. Each position is supervised by an executive board member. The general board consists of several core positions, which must be filled every school year, and optional positions, which may remain unfilled for either the entirety or other portion of time throughout the year. The general board core positions will consist of the Associate Producer, Special Events Coordinator, Rutgers Night Live Representative, Directors’ Showcase Coordinator, Original Play Festival Coordinator, Technical Director(s), Technical Special Event Coordinator, House Manager, Box Office Assistants, Box Office Manager, Social Media Chair, and Press Secretary. Optional positions will be: Playwright Collective Coordinator, Videographer/Photographer, Graphic Designer, Press Secretary, and Marquee Specialist. Other ad hoc positions will be determined by the Executive Board using a majority vote.
Clause B: As situations arise, the E-board may create new or temporary gen board positions to fulfill specific duties. A correlating executive board member must be assigned to supervise the position and the position must be deemed necessary by a 3/4 majority vote.
Clause C: Any member wishing to participate on the general board may be a general board member.
Clause D: General Board Meetings
Subsection i: The purpose of general board meetings is to discuss business between the branches of Cabaret Theatre. Each titled board member must offer an update and report of outside activity in gavel order.
Subsection ii: The Gen Board will meet once a month unless otherwise needed.
Subsection iii. The Artistic Director will provide updates on all current productions.
Subsection v. A quorum of 2/3 members of the general board is required for each meeting.
Subsection vi. If there is a situation that calls for a vote among general board members, a simple majority (50% + 1) is needed to pass as resolution, unless otherwise specified.
Subsection vii: If a Gen-Board Member has 2 unexcused absences and/or has not contacted an Eboard Member, they are forfeiting their position in the Gen-Board and a re-election will occur within two weeks. The timeline for a re-election is as follows: within 4 days of the board member leaving, nominations must open and remain open for 7 days. Once nominations close, an election must be held within the next two days.
Section 3: Managing Department
Clause A: The Associate Producer acts directly under the producer to ensure that all matters involving the theatre are in order. In addition to assisting the producer (managing director) with daily operations and production preparation, they will also act as the General Board Representative and assist in the season selection process.
Section 2: Artistic Department
Clause A: The Rutgers Night Live Representative acts as the liaison between Rutgers Night Live Troupe and the Special Events Coordinator, and Artistic Director. Expected to assist in editing work and fine tuning all the skits presented to them. Has influence in picking the skits for Rutgers Night Live and ensure that the events runs smoothly and efficiently.
Clause B: The Directors’ Showcase Coordinator oversees the overall production of DS. They help in the selection of directors, scenes, and cast members, and advise the directors during their process.
Clause C: The Original Play Festival Coordinator oversees the overall production of OPF. They help in the selection of original one-acts/scenes/shorts and cast members, and advise the directors during their process.
Clause D: The Playwrights Collective Coordinator act as the liaison between aspiring and established playwrights within Cabaret’s general membership and the OPF Coordinator, Special Events Coordinator, and Artistic Director. Expected to assist in editing work and fine tuning all original work presented to them. In charge of the Playwright’s Collective and any special events that deals with Rutgers undergrad playwrights.
Clause E: The Special Events Coordinator coordinates events outside of main stage productions. The Special Events Coordinator acts as a liaison with outside Cabaret organizations hoping to use the space and oversees events other than main stage shows. Additionally, this member oversees fundraising and community service/outreach projects and plans/organizes the traditional end-of-year Cabaret Ball.
Section 4: Production Department
Clause A: The Technical Director leads builds, strikes, and clean-ups in the
space. etc. Additionally the Technical Director is responsible in assisting the production manager in recruiting and obtaining individuals to work the light and sound board for all mainstage productions. In the event that the production manager is unable to fulfil their duty(s) for any production, the Technical Director will take on his/her responsibilities and will become the direct contact for that event.
Clause B: The Technical Special Events Coordinator acts as a liaison between the Cabaret staff/student population and the Managing Department for set builds and other responsibilities of the Managing Department for Special events (including Rutgers Night Live).
Clause C: The House Manager handles the space during performances. This includes assisting patrons, helping staff and cast, and performing basic maintenance to the space before the show. If the House Manager is part of the production staff of a show, or has been excused from their duties for a performance, then the Managing Director will fulfill the House Manager duties for the performance(s) that the House Manager is away.
Clause D: Costume and Property Master is in charge of organization and inventory of costumes and props in Cabaret Theatre’s storage areas. He or she is in charge of any borrowed or rented props from other organizations as well as other companies. The Costume and Property Master must maintain contacts with costume shops and warehouses as well as suggest resources.
Clause E: Master Electrician
Section 5: Finance Department
Clause A:The Box Office Manager is responsible for all of the Box Officer's tasks as well as overseeing the Box Officers in the event that the Director of Finance is not in attendance, assisting with the online ticketing system, and working with the House Manager to determine seat counts.
Clause B: The Box Office Assistants are responsible for handling all monies either from donations, ticket sales, or concessions and is/are responsible for giving the money to the finance director. Additionally, assistants are also responsible for maintaining the Cabaret Theatre email account
Section 6: Marketing Department
Clause A: The Videographer/Photographer takes and organizes photographs of Cabaret Theatre productions for archival and marketing purposes. Makes video recordings of Cabaret Theatre Productions for archival and marketing purposes.
Clause B: The Social Media Chair(s) write(s) the blog for Cabaret and updates the website. In addition, the Social Media Chair(s) assist(s) the Marketing Director in updating the twitter and instagram profiles.
Clause C: The Graphic Designer spearheads the image and presence of Cabaret Theatre on the Internet to build audience and membership.
Clause D: The Press Secretary organizes and distributes press releases for all main stage productions and special projects. Facilitates and organizes recruitment and outreach events that include but are not limited to the Involvement Fairs, tabling at campus events, and other events that increase Cabaret Theatre’s presence at Rutgers. Responsible for the maintenance and production of the regular newsletter which is sent to the Cabaret Theatre mailing list, as well as taking the minutes and attendance at General Board meetings.
Clause E: Marquee Specialist is responsible for designing Cabaret Theatre’s
Marquee. The Marquee should be completed and in place at least one week before opening night.
Article VI. Members
Section 1: Definition
Clause A: Any current full time or part time undergraduate student enrolled in Rutgers University-New Brunswick can be a member of Cabaret.
Clause B: Performers in shows, members of production staffs (including crew), and members of both the general and executive boards of the current season automatically become members of Cabaret Theatre.
Clause C: Graduate student participation will be determined on a case by case basis through the Executive Board, General Board, and Organization Advisor.
Section 2: Rules and Regulations
Clause A; Membership shall be open to all Rutgers University undergraduate students. Graduate student participation will be determined on a case by case basis through the Executive Board, General Board, and Organization Advisor. All active members must comply with federal laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, marital status, civil union status, domestic partnership status, military service, and veteran status, and any other category protected by law.
Article VII. Elections
Section 1: Nominations
Clause A: There will be nominations for the five executive board positions facilitated through email.
Clause B: Any member may self-nominate or be nominated by another member.
The nomination must be seconded and accepted by the candidate.
Section 2: Any Rutgers undergraduate student may hold one office on the executive board at a time.
Section 3: If no valid candidates are elected for a particular office, the Executive board shall vote upon an individual to fill the vacancy within three weeks. If at that time no candidate can be found for the vacancy, one of the continuing executive board members shall serve in the vacancy duty until a valid candidate can be elected by the executive board.
Section 4: Elections shall take place every year, and Executive Board members may serve more than one term (one year) of office only if they are re-elected.
Section 5: In the event of a sudden vacancy in any executive office, the remaining executive board shall appoint an interim officer until such time as a proper official election may be held for the office.
Section 6: Voting Rights
Clause A: Every member with voting rights has one vote for each position on the executive board. Elections will be held using CollegiateLink, and only members who qualify to vote may participate in the election.
Clause B: Current executive members vote during elections for the following year, unless they are running for an additional term. In that instance, one may not vote for the position one is running for, but may vote for all other positions. Only the current members with voting rights have a vote for the next year’s executive and general boards. However, all members are welcome to run for those positions
Clause C: In the event that any two executive board or general board members are in a "co" position (e.g. Co-Artistic Directors), they may each get their own vote during elections by maintaining their individual active statuses, but must share a single vote in all other circumstances.
Clause D: Members of Cabaret who have voting rights [indicated below] may vote in elections for the executive board.
Subsection i: Members who are on the production staff, technical team, musical pit, or in the cast of a main stage production, Rutgers Night Live, the back-to-school revue, Directors’ Showcase, or the Original Play Festival are automatically given voting rights.
Subsection ii: Members who have not participated in any of the previously mentioned productions as production or cast members can still earn the right to vote through a points system. If a member earns 3 points throughout the academic year, they will be given voting rights. Members can earn one point through the following activities: Set Builds, Clean Ups, Ushering, Coffee Houses, Additional Special Events, and/or having a play accepted into OPF.
Subsection iii: All General Board and Executive Board Members will automatically receive voting rights should they successfully complete all expected tasks as detailed in their job description.
Clause E: Members may lose their status if caught violating the provisions of these bylaws by a (50% + 1) vote of the general and executive boards.
Section 7: Voting
Clause A: Elections occur in gavel order. Each candidate must submit a video of their speech or electronic copy of their speech for the executive board position they are running for to be posted online.
Clause B: To win, the candidate must receive a simple majority (50% plus 1) of the voting delegation. If no candidate receives a majority after the vote, a runoff between the top two vote-getters will commence
Clause C: Voting will take place online through Rutgers Student Involvement Website. Cabaret Theatre’s advisor will count up the results. Net ID’s from those with voting rights are required to be given in order to vote.
Clause D: Voters have the right to abstain, meaning a withdrawal of opinion. This vote would count toward the majority.
Clause E: Voters may also opt to vote “neither” or “none,” which means the voter feels none of the candidates are suitable for the position. This vote affects the count required to achieve a majority.
Clause F: If the “neither”/ “none” votes surpass the votes for individual candidates, the position must undergo a new round of nominations and elections at the subsequent meeting. Candidates may run multiple times for the same position.
Clause G: Installation of the incoming board members occurs at the final meeting of the school year or at a pre-approved time by the general board.
Article VIII. Impeachment
Section 1: All board members must accord to these bylaws as well as the regulations of Rutgers and the laws of New Jersey and the United States. If any board member is believed to be in violation of these bylaws and has devalued Cabaret as a result, articles of impeachment may commence against the board member.
Section 2: Grounds for impeachment include negligence or abandonment of duty to the organization, severe infraction of University policy while acting under the authority or representation of the organization, or any action which intentionally and maliciously harms the organization and/or any of its members.
Section 3: Process of Impeachment
Clause A: The accusation must be made during a general board meeting by a voting member of the board. Evidence must be submitted at that time and made available to all general board members. The executive board shall inform the officer of any such charges immediately or as soon as possible of any such claims.
Clause B:The trial of the board member will be the following week. The Producer will preside over the hearings. If the Producer is being tried or if multiple members including the Producer are tried, the task falls upon the next in gavel order.
Clause C: Each side presents its case with witnesses, evidence, and testimonies
Clause D: At the end of the trial, the general board will vote on the removal of the board member in question. Neither the board member on trial nor the accuser has a vote.
Clause E: Vote requires 2/3 majority to remove the officer.
Section 3: If the officer is removed, there must be immediate elections to fill the position. The position must be filled within three weeks of the impeachment.
Article IX. Show Proposal
Section 1: Proposal Process
Clause A: There is a two tier process that all main stage proposal have to go through before selected.
Subsection i: Tier I: All proposals are read and considered by the reading committee. This committee consists of the producer, artistic director, and a general board representative endorsed by the general board in a majority election. The stronger proposals move on to
Subsection ii: Tier II. Proposals are judged on: the quality of the artistic vision; rapport of the potential director; planned utilization of the theatre space; proposed staff; whether there is an appropriate acting pool for the production; whether the production will provide balance to the season; whether the production will provide balance to the budget; and marketability.
Clause B: For Tier II, the proposals that move on receive an interview to assess the capabilities of the potential director and to give the candidate a chance to give the executive board a better understanding of his or her vision. The five executive board members and the general board representative sit in on the interview.
Clause C: During questioning, each member will ask questions pertaining to their individual departments.
Section 2: Show Selection
Clause A: Shows are selected by the executive board by a simple majority vote (50% + 1). In the case of a tie, the decision is at the ultimate discretion of the Producer.
Article X. Swipe Access
Section 1: Each Executive Board member receives swipe access from the day after Cabaret Ball to the end of their term.
Section 2: The House Manager and Special Events Coordinator also receive swipe access from the day after Cabaret Ball to the end of their term.
Section 3: The Director, Musical Directors, and Stage Manager for each production, the Directors’ Showcase Coordinator, and the Original Play Festival Coordinator will receive swipe access from the first audition day to one week after their show’s final performance.
Section 4: Swipe access is a privilege and can therefore be taken away if this privilege is abused.
Article XI. Ratification
Section 1: All members of Cabaret will have access to these bylaws.
Section 2: For adoption, these bylaws require a ¾ majority approval from the general board each semester. Adoption begins immediately.
Article XII. Amendment Process
Section 1: There shall be an opportunity for a revision of these bylaws every year at the discretion of the current Executive Board, and as required by Rutgers University.
Section 2: If the bylaws need to be amended during a semester, the Executive Board may do so by a majority vote of the Board.
Section 3: The General Membership may amend the bylaws during the semester by a ¾ majority vote
Section 4: In order for this constitution in writing to be amended, the members with voting rights will vote and a ⅔ majority vote is needed and it is subject to the approval of the Department of Student Involvement.