It’s just nearing the start of the 2014-2015 season and there are lots of things to be excited about!
(Three things, more specifically.)
And here they are!
Thing One:
For one, we are about to have our FIRST. AUDITIONS. OF. THE SEASON!!!!!
So if you like acting and singing and dancing and reminiscing about your life, then Unsung Chapters: A Musical Revue — directed by the ever-so-awesome Chris Price — is the show for you!!
Auditions will be held in Cabaret Theatre this weekend!!!!!
Here are the specifics borrowed from our Facebook event:
“Auditions and Callbacks will be held in Cabaret Theatre on the following dates:
- Friday, July 18th from 7pm to 11pm (Auditions)
- Saturday, July 19th from 7pm to 11pm (Auditions)
- Sunday, July 20th from 6pm to 10pm (Callbacks)
Ready to audition? Great! Here’s what you need to do:
- Pick 16 to 32 bars of a song that shows off your voice. (This will be a capella.)
- Make a list of all conflicts for the rest of the summer and the first week of school.
- Please include all classes, work times/dates, vacations, appointments, etc.
- Know your RU ID (you must be a full-time undergraduate student to audition).
- Come on down to Cabaret Theatre on July 18th or 19th and sing your heart out!
Not close enough to Rutgers to come to an audition date? Don’t worry about it! We will be accepting video submissions sent to,, and! All video submissions must include all of the previously mentioned information and, of course, your video!”
Mark your calendars, folks! And get you and your peoples to Cabaret Theatre NOW!!!
[Editor's Note: Not “now." This weekend. The auditions are on the weekend. You just wrote that yourself. Get it right.]
And now for…
Thing Two!
We are looking for tech members for the Revue! If you are interested in lighting or building, then email the following people: me, Allie Kroeper, at; Steph van Oppen (our Managing Director) at; and Chris Price (the ever-so-awesome director of the Revue) at
We can never have too many people, so email away!!
Thing Three:
[Editors Note: This is not the right picture…Also, there is no Thing 3.]
I am sad to say that this is my last post as the Social Media Chair of Cabaret Theatre. And so, in true Hollywood fashion, I must pass on the torch to someone younger and prettier than me.
But never fear! I am only leaving because I am going to be visiting Mars!
[Editor’s Note: You are not an astronaut. This is why you’re being fired. This and the fact that you completely ignore my editor’s notes every time and don’t bother to take them out of your posts before you publish.]
Okay, fine! I’m not really an astronaut. But I am really being replaced as Chair. And who will be replacing me, you ask?……..
……….The one and only, wickedly talented, woman who also happens to be our very own Rutgers Night Live Coordinator (woot, woot!)…..
Natasha Sydor!!!!!
You may recognize Natasha from: RNL’s VII and VIII; Antigone; The Fifth and Sixth Annual Original Play Festivals; [title of show]; and countless other productions!!
Here is a picture of Natasha when we told her that she would be the new Social Media Chair:
See how excited she looks?! One might even mistake that excitement for fear.
But seriously. She is really excited to be taking on this new role, and I wish her the most of fun!
I would wish her luck, but I know she won’t need it :)
And now…
For the last time…..
A-Kroeps out <3