Hello, hello, hello!
I have some important and super-cool things to announce, so get ready:
Six diverse shows…
Lots of actors…
And tons of awesome writing skills…
It’s the 6th Annual Original Play Festival!!!
Here’s a picture!
That was a picture!
[This picture features Adaugo Anusionwu and Alex Esposito, who are both in the play I WROTE!!! Not pictured from this show are Andrea Parente (Fellow Actor) and Christen Demnitz (Director).]
Ever wonder how to shovel? Or how much you are worth? Or where you go when you die? Or what coffee you should order? Or what unrequited love feels like? Or what fighting with a significant other feels like???
Then you should TOTALLY come and see the 6th Annual Original Play Festival this weekend to learn a thing or two!!
The Show dates and times are as follows:
Friday, April 25th at 8:00 pm
Saturday, April 26th at 8:00pm
Sunday, April 27th at 7:00pm
Tickets are $7 for students and faculty, and $12 for general admission.
Reserve your tickets by emailing cabtheatre@gmail.com with your name, the number of tickets you would like to reserve, and the date/time of the performance you wish to attend.
Believe me…you WANT to see this show!!!
Here’s another picture!
That was another picture!
[Featured in THAT snapshot are Kate Thomas (Director), Cody Beltis (Actor), and
Kat Beliavski (Actor). Look how wide open Kate is…she’s ready for some OPF love!! (And also she was giving direction because that’s what directors do.)]
Thank you to Justice Hehir for the lovely photography!!!
Annnnnnnd moving on to one final quick thing…
If you are a senior and would like to perform in the Senior Showcase (May 2 at 8pm in Cabaret) then email Meg King and Abigail Nutter at producer.cabarettheatre@gmail.com and marketing.cabarettheatre@gmail.com, respectively, by this Friday (April 25) at 11:59pm!!!
Thank you all for reading and looking and yeah!!!!!
And if you didn’t read or look or yeah, then I don’t know why you’re even here right now.
Good day!
A-Kroeps out!